
Video! Single Line Drawing – Emirates Air Line

Heres a peek out the window of the new London cable car, and a look at me making a single-line version of the view! I’ve got a new camera set up too which includes something almost like a camera stand. Its working a lot better than my previous video, for which the camera setup involved gaffer-taping my macbook to the desk at a worrying angle…

Inky Tale

A friend was telling me about her late father; as a young man he got a tattoo in France using illegal blue ink. The ink was prone to swelling in sunlight and distorting the image. But it ment that when my friend was a little girl she loved to see her fathers seahorse tattoo puffing up its blue tummy in summer. Sometimes a mistake we make turns out to be a wonderful thing further along the line.

I’m taking a short break from blogging while my university deadlines are looming. Normal service should resume in June, I’ll see you then  🙂