Lovely Jubbly!

Hurray for Claire Shotter who passed this award on to me! Her blog cronicles the work that goes into her paintings. Its fascinating to watch an image grow and well worth a browse. I’m very grateful for the nomination as its cheered me up from the grim slog that is uni at the moment. I’m happy she thinks this is a lovely blog!

As usual with these things the rules are:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link.

2. Name 7 random things about yourself.

3. Pass the recognition to 15 blogs you enjoy and let them know.

So my 7 things are:

I spent yesterday wearing goggles, ear defenders, and a respirator… at university!

I love tabletop games. My curent favourite is the brilliant Star Fluxx.

The picture on my calendar this month is Chewie from Star Wars.

I always read five or more books at once so I can hop between them.

My alarm is always set for 6:58 so I get two minutes to wake up before the news comes on.

I can never watch Annie Hall enough!

Magpies are my favourite bird.


And heres 15 blogs I been enjoying recently:

Ben Naga Writer of poems, some funny some philosophical often both.

quirky artist For wonderful drawings making everyday things look beautiful.

My Brain In Pictures A blogger exploring art while recovering from a brain injury.

Seasons and Impressions Combining poems and photographs beautifully.

GJR’s Whiskey Blog Well written whiskey tasting notes and reviews. I wish I had that skill!

That Summers Guy Is the blog of a professional illustrator who’s fantasy work I love.

arihomas illustration blog A blogger who I think will be a professional illustrator very soon. And one lovely lion.

creativeliz A drawing a day blog. I like her biro drawings.

Daub Also a drawing a day blog, with some wonderful results!

DRAWN2LIFE Vibrant colourful paintings. Art to cheer you up 🙂

30 Minute Art  A blogger marking art by setting aside 30 minutes a day to do it.

beverleyhaines I will never get tired of looking at her sketchbooks. Never!

a tricorn hat Really charming illustrations.

Sophie’s world of art A blogger with a huge range of different drawing styles. Something for everyone.

Pointsthroughprose Art and poetry from a collection of writers and artists.


Hope you enjoy browsing these lovely blogs!


Well This is a Little More Pink Than I’m Used to!

But thats fine, tomboys can have pink sparkly awards too. Thank you very much to Ben Naga for sending it my way! And so my second award of this day is…

Mrs. Sparkly’s Ten Commandments Award.

“I am certain that Mrs. Sparkly, a woman of high expectations, commitment and integrity would agree with this approach. She is notable, respected in her own community and likely to be peering down upon us; possibly spell checking and taking notes that feed into a mammoth government information data collection system (MGIDCS). She may have been recruited because of her discretion and integrity even behind closed doors.

The rules of engagement are:

Ten Questions must be answered with complete honesty or Mrs. Sparkly will find you. Mrs. Sparkly – we love you. We Do! Manners and behaviour, words beyond reproach … Then tag five other people.”

The Ten Commanments

1. Describe yourself in seven words.

Art student by day, illustrator by night!

2.  What keeps you up at night?

Writing my dissertation!

3. Whom would you like to be?

Me 🙂

4. What are you wearing now?

I’m sporting some tartan shorts and a t-shirt with Pikachu on the front. Not a very fashionable combo I’m afraid. The shirt was from a friend who said I should have it because my tolerance for embarrassment is higher than hers! She may be right!

5. What scares you?

Spiders and politicians.

6. What are the best and worst things about e-logging?

Best: I like chatting with new people from all over the world.

Worst: Getting distracted from work when my phone “pings” saying I have a new comment

7. What was the last website you looked at?

BBC news (an exciting skull discovery if you’re interested)

8. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

Oh that would be such a waste after all the time spent accepting who I am! But at a push… it would be nice to be a dragon RAAAAGH! 😀

9. Slankets, yes or no?

Anything that has the potential to be used in pretending to be a Jedi gets a thumbs up from me.

10. Tell us something about the person(s) who tagged you.

Ah, Mr Ben Naga! Poet and fellow Ani DiFranco fan (” You’ve gotta live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change.”)

Five alphabetically hand-picked recommended posters:

If you read this, then you better check out both the people who tagged me and also these five recommended sites. If not. I’m sure Mrs S will take you to task. You have been warned!

Sunshine Award

This is a new experience! I’ve never got a blog award before, and then two show up… they’re like busses!

First off: Huge thank you to Pointsthruprose for the Sunshine Award. This prize is awarded to “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”. As an award winner, there are a few rules to follow: Thank the person who gave this award and write a post about it. Answer the questions below.Pass on the award to 10 fabulous bloggers, link their blogs, and let them know you awarded them.

Favorite Color – I like red on me and green on everything else. That way I can see where I am clearly :p
Favorite Animal – Dog
Favorite Number – 3
Favorite Drink – Tea. Endless, endless cups of it.
Facebook or Twitter – Facebook
Your Passion – Art and Teaching
Giving or getting presents – I’d be lying if I didn’t say both!
Favorite Day – Today, whenever today is 🙂
Favorite Flowers – Tulips